LAFF For the men and women engaged in Life After The Ford Foundation

Upcoming Events

Subtitle Fighting Poverty, Building Communities: the Ford Foundation’s Fifty+ Year History
Speaker Conversation with Henry Saltzman, Robert Curvin and George McCarthy
Date 11/19/2012
Time 5:00pm
Location NORC/Educational Alliance
Address 465 Grand Street (Entrance on East Broadway between Grand and Montgomery/Pitt Streets)
City New York City
Description Few institutions have persevered as long as the Ford Foundation in addressing the root causes of poverty in urban and rural America. Starting with the Gray Areas programs in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Foundation has supported frontline organizations committed to increasing the assets of low-income neighborhoods.

What lessons can we glean from our efforts? about the role of government and others? How can those insights inform today's asset-building efforts? What work remains to be done to ensure that solutions to the issues facing poor people gain public currency?

Our next LAFF meeting will address these questions and others. Our speakers are:

Henry Saltzman who worked in the late 1950s and early 1960s, on one of the first concerted efforts by the Foundation to grapple with the problems of poverty and race.

Robert Curvin, who directed Urban Poverty Program in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and had a long career in the field as a community activist, journalist and scholar.

George McCarthy, who serves as the current director of the Foundation’s program in Metropolitan Opportunity.

Location: The Educational Alliance is a settlement house that has served the Lower East Side of Manhattan since 1889. A short, informal walking tour of this historic neighborhood is available to LAFF members from 3:00-5:00 pm prior to the program. If interested, please respond separately to Alan Divack at
RSVP to Nellie Toma
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