LAFF Society


News about Former Foundation Staff


Emmett Carson, president and CEO of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, will be the featured guest at the Philanthropy NEXT: America’s Emerging Donors conference September 14 in Washington, D.C. The conference is sponsored by The Chronicle of Philanthropy.
Carson will be featured in the Insider Interview, a one-on-one discussion.
Since becoming head of the Silicon Valley Foundation in 2007 he has overseen what The Chronicle describes as “explosive growth”, increasing its assets from $1.7 billion to $8.2 billion, making it the “nation’s largest organization of its kind”. 
“That fast growth has been possible,” notes The Chronicle, “because the organization has successfully listened to millennials, women, people of color and other donors that are often overlooked—and moved nimbly to adapt to their needs and interests.” 
Carson worked in the Governance and Public Policy program of the Ford Foundation from 1989 to 1994 and was the president and CEO of both the Minneapolis Foundation and Peninsula Community Foundation before joining Silicon Valley.
He is named repeatedly by NonProfit Times as one of the top 50 most influential nonprofit leaders in the country, and is the immediate past chair of the Council of Foundations.
Mary E. McClymont, president and CEO of the Public Welfare Foundation in Washington, D.C., was honored at the annual Justice First! Luncheon of the Alliance for Justice, on May 18 at the National Press Club.
She is, notes the Alliance, “one of the strongest advocates for the legal rights of everyday Americans and a true inspiration to anyone who cares about our future as a just and fair nation”. The Alliance is a national association of more than 100 organizations “committed to progressive values and the creation of an equitable, just, and free society”. The association works “to ensure that the federal judiciary advances core constitutional values, preserves human rights and unfettered access to the courts, and adheres to the even-handed administration of justice for all Americans”.  
In announcing its recognition of McClymont, the association noted that she is a “true social justice pioneer and has fought for the rights of the marginalized for over 30 years”.
An example of her work with the Public Welfare Foundation is highlighted in an article she wrote on ensuring access in civil courts for everyone that appears on page 7 in this issue of the newsletter.    
Such work continues the efforts she pursued as vice president of Ford’s Peace and Social Justice program during two periods there, from 1988 to 2000 and again from 2006 to 2008.
Clinton Stevenson, who worked at Ford for more than 30 years and was its director of investment administration, has been named investment director of the Investment Management Engagement Programs (IMEP) of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System. 
IMEP provides coordination of all the system’s asset classes, including emerging and transition managers, responsible contracting, California investment initiatives and diversity and inclusion efforts as well as external manager monitoring and evaluation processes.
The state’s retirement system is the largest defined-benefit public pension in the country, investing for more than 1.4 million members and managing a portfolio with a total fund market value of approximately $312 billion.



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